Deathwish Habanero Hot Sauce
Deathwish Habanero Hot Sauce is one that has made frequent visits to the household over the years. It’s not the best sauce I’ve ever encountered, but it’s one of the few that has been easily found and readily available in the area (without venturing online). Deathwish is the product of Jimmy’s Restaurant in Richmond, Virginia. I’ve never visited this establishment in the past, but perhaps some day.
This habanero sauce doesn’t just relay on that Caribbean pepper for it’s flavor. Looking at the ingredients list and you’ll see cayenne pepper in the mix, as well. Unfortunately however, as a fan of habaneros, this one tends to lean a bit too heavily on that cayenne influence providing a distinct smokiness that persists from start to chest-warming finish.

The sauce even looks like it relies on the cayenne a bit more than the habanero as it’s got a ruddy, darkish red color. Small bits of pepper are suspended within the fairly thin pouring sauce.
And right away upon first sniff that smokey cayenne dominates, filling the nose quickly. Vinegar is second in command arriving almost at the same time as the smokiness. I really don’t pick up much, if any, habanero aromas here which leads me to believe that there may not be all that much of the pepper in the mix.

Again, the flavor is dominated by a wonderfully smoked cayenne trait, but very little habanero. There’s perhaps a bit too much vinegar for my own personal liking, especially in a thin sauce like this. A light level of sweetness and a healthy dose of salt are also in the mix. I really wish there was more habanero flavor here, but beggars can’t be choosers, I suppose.
As far as heat is concerned, Deathwish is in the low-to-medium range. The smokey cayenne messes with the back of the tongue a bit and leaves a soft warmth in the chest, but isn’t going to overwhelm even a novice sauce enthusiast.

All in all, Deathwish Habanero Hot Sauce isn’t bad, but it’s also not great. I really would have liked more of a habanero influence in both the flavor and heat as indicated by the name on the label. Instead, we’re greeted with a solid cayenne presence that imparts a solid amount of smokiness throughout.
As far as what types of food this one would go well with, I personally enjoy it in beef chili where the sauce’s strong vinegar can be tempered. Lighter fair may get overwhelmed by it.