Chupetinho White Pepper Review
I believe this Chupetinho White pepper plant is only the second white chile that I have grown in my gardening endeavors. As such, my tastebuds haven’t quite adjusted to the flavors that are presented with a fruit like this. Last year’s White Bhut Jolokia proved to be a decent introduction with a decent flavor profile despite its lack of heat. That being said, the experience did pique my interest in the paler shaded peppers and made the decision to add this Chupetinho variety to my 2021 grow list pretty easy.

This little plant – it’s roughly 1.5 – 2 feet tall and just as wide – sits in a large 13 gallon pot and is absolutely packed with fruit. I’ve already harvested well over 30 fresh pods and there is darn near a hundred more of these bullet shaped fruit still on the limbs. Each pod has been consistent in shape, but vary in size as illustrated in the photo below. The smooth off-white skin almost gives it an innocent presence. Even with the interior packed full of seeds and not much else, the pepper doesn’t look at all intimidating.
The aroma and flavors of these little peppers mirror one another to a tee. The Chupetinho White comes across very floral with a backing fruitiness. It smells habanero-like for the most part and isn’t nearly as fruity smelling or tasting as its near relative, the Biquinho. It’s a little “soapy” and perfumey for my personal liking, but I do like the satisfying crunch the fruit has with each bite.
The heat level is pretty impressive for a little pod. It packs much more of a punch than the Biquinho, resting snuggly in the lower end of the habanero heat spectrum. The burn pounces on the sides of my tongue and roof of the mouth as it builds slowly and steadily to the peak. Overall, the fire is moderate and tolerable if a little stinging in nature. It doesn’t sit too long at the plateau before fading slowly.

All in all, the Chupetinho White is an attractive plant and pepper with unique coloring. I’m not entirely sure what I would do with all the right fruit to come other than using it to add a little color to some salsa or diced as garnish for chicken tacos. The flavor isn’t what I personally look for in a pepper, but others may dig it.