Trinidad Scorpion Pepper Review

For those of you (all three of you) that may have followed last season’s fiasco with the store-bought Trinidad Scorpion can understand my trepidation upon encountering a good looking plant at the same nursery this past June. I didn’t want another plant that was going to produce duds. Well, the price was dirt cheap and I decided that I had plenty of viable plants going in case this latest Trinidad Scoprion was also a bust.
Well, as fate would have it, this particular plant was more correct in terms of phenotype and level of heat. It still didn’t produce pods that were as gnarly as some — I have since purchased seeds in the hopes of getting a proper batch of peppers next season. And while I didn’t get a large number of pods from the plant I did get enough to know I liked the flavor of these fiery little peppers.

The peppers pictured in this review had a decent shape and have a great crunch as you bite through the medium walled fruit. The aroma is packed with tropical fruits, floral traits and a bit of perfume — it’s quite similar to other superhots I’ve grown. The flavor pretty much follows suit with a more amplified flowery flavor and very little sweetness as a hint of fruitiness lingers in the distance. There’s a nice earthiness to the pepper that I quite like.
All of those flavor notes are quite noticeable for a bit as this one has a slow build of heat, wrapping the tongue in a blanket of warmth. At its peak the heat hits the throat solidly with each swallow, eventually leading to a good amount of glowing whiskey chest. The fire isn’t overwhelming, but it does last a good long while on the tongue, prickling as it slowly fades.