Super Chili Pepper Review

This small Super Chili plant was purchased from a local nursery about mid-way through June (maybe a littler earlier). I picked it up on a lark as it had already produced a few fruit at the store. I figured, if my seedlings completely failed to produce — and at the time of this purchase, they looked horrible — then I would still have some fresh peppers to enjoy.
After harvesting, drying and/or eating fresh a couple dozen pods from this small plant, I can safely say that I was pleasantly surprised by their flavor and heat. I had never gown a Super Chili before, but I have a feeling it will be back again next season.
Now, as for the peppers themselves, most of them on this particular plant didn’t vary too much in length, hanging around the one and a half inch length. Their tapered appearance is rather unassuming as there are much gnarlier and scarier looking pods available. But then again, not everything needs to be frightening looking to cause a commotion and these little fellas pack a pretty mean punch.

Once cut open, we can see a thin placenta running the short length from tip to stem. My only real complaint about these little guys is the number of seeds in their small cavities. These things are chock full of them and if you get too many in your mouth at once, they do impart a bit of a bitter flavor. Aside from that, the pepper produces a lightly floral flavor with distant sweetness. It tastes much like a well-ripened serrano as you crunch through the thin walls.
The heat hit quickly and smoothly, coating the tongue and roof of the mouth with a gentle burn, The fire fades almost as quickly as it arrived, lingering at the throat a bit before disappearing for good. I’d say the heat level can sneak up on you a bit if you’re not paying attention.
These little chilis are ideal for just about any food item. They’ll provide a nice hit of fiery heat that won’t overwhelm or take away from whatever you add it to.