2021 Pepper Season Has Ended
Well, it’s that time of year again. Actually, it’s long past that usual time of year in my region. Given the higher than average temperatures for October, my pepper season lasted almost a full month longer than is typical. But, inevitably, it’s done. With lows in the 20s coming up the next few days, I spent a beautiful weekend afternoon taking down the last of my plants and cleaning up beds and pots.

It’s always a bittersweet event, but it was a bountiful season and I more than harvested enough peppers to last me well into next year. So, I can’t complain. all that much. There are still plenty of pepper reviews to be published on the site and the annual “Lessons Learned” post that I need to craft, so the site will still be active as we approach planning for the 2022 season.

I hope everyone else had a great and fiery season – as we look at the final harvest above. Here’s to planning for 2022!